Hoja Mongolian Grill

We want to be fast and healthy, without the masks.

Hoja Mongolian Grill was born out of a need for something fresh. We take pride in our efforts to show you the quality of our product before your eat!!

Fast food restaurants had taken over the market, making each dining experience seem like the next, and we wanted to change that. We want to be fast and healthy, without the masks.

Frequently Asked Questions

While the concept of combining fresh ingredients to create your own delicious stir fry is a simple one, there are a few details that need to be clarified if you are to have the best possible experience. Below you will find a helpful list of questions that we are frequently asked by new and returning customers.

Where do I start?

First off, let us get you something to drink. One of our experienced wait staff will thoroughly describe the finer details of our buffet, answering any questions you may have. We will offer you a choice if eating utensils. After that it’s up to you, you are in the driver’s seat all the way! Some people prefer to start with soup and rice and finish off with stir fry, some people prefer it the other way around. Whatever seems like the most appetizing option to you is the road you should choose.

I’m a vegetarian, can I eat at your restaurant?

We pride ourselves on being able to accommodate the many needs of our guest. Being a vegetarian is a life choice and we are proud to be able to accommodate you, your choice and your appetite. In addition to tofu, our buffet is stocked with noodles, vegetables and fruits, and we ensure that there are some protein rich vegetables for you too. Once you’ve picked your ingredients, proceed to the grill where our grill chef’s will be more than happy to clean a spot on the grill for your vegetarian creation. And of course a separate set of cooking swords will be used to ensure your meal does not come into contact with any meat. Please make the chef aware of your needs before he starts cooking your meal as to best serve you.

I have an allergy; can I eat at your restaurant?

The answer, once again, is yes, absolutely. We are not a peanut free establishment, however we do our very best to not allow them to come into contact with our food or our grill. As with a vegetarian creation, we ask that you make our grill chef’s aware of your allergy once you have selected all of your fresh ingredients. They will then proceed to clean a portion of the grill for your use and grab a clean, unused set of cooking swords as to ensure that no other ingredients come into contact with your meal. Please make the chef aware of your needs before he starts cooking your meal as to best serve you!!

Can I take home my leftovers?

Yes and no. You may take home your leftovers if you opt for the meal as you ordered it and pay for the extra take out price as well. We are an all you can eat buffet, while in house. Sorry for any inconveniences however we must have a standard policy to maintain a high level of service standards.

Order now at Hoja Mongolian Grill